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Publications of the research project "The Third Way"

In preparation 

Hummel, Martin, Stefan Koch, David Porcel Bueno & Inka Wissner (eds.). In prep. Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Romance:  field studies in present-day varieties of French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

Chircu, Adrian. In prep. Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Romania: the dialect of Voislova in the region of Banat. To appear in Martin Hummel, Stefan Koch, David Porcel Bueno & Inka Wissner (eds.), Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Romance:  field studies in present-day varieties of French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

Hummel, Martin. In prep. Towards a theory of prepositional adverbials (PA) in Romance. Paper presented at the International Project Workshop in Graz

Hummel, Martin (draft), Tying synchrony to diachrony: the Mexican data. To appear in Martin Hummel, Stefan Koch, David Porcel Bueno & Inka Wissner (eds.), Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Romance:  field studies in present-day varieties of French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

Hummel, Martin, Rodrigo Flores & Miriam Reyes. In prep. Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Mexican Spanish: Aguascalientes (Central Highlands) and Xalapa (Lowlands: Veracruz). To appear in Martin Hummel, Stefan Koch, David Porcel Bueno & Inka Wissner (eds.), Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Romance:  field studies in present-day varieties of French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish

Koch, Stefan, Further reflections on the diachrony of PA adverbials. To appear in Martin Hummel, Stefan Koch, David Porcel Bueno & Inka Wissner (eds.), Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Romance:  field studies in present-day varieties of French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

Koch, Stefan & Cesarina Vecchia. In prep. Adverbial prepositional phrases in a Southern Italian variety: the Irpinian dialect of Montella (AV). To appear in Martin Hummel, Stefan Koch, David Porcel Bueno & Inka Wissner (eds.), Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Romance:  field studies in present-day varieties of French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

Koch, Stefan & Cesarina Vecchia. In prep. Reduplication in Italian. A contribution from the Southern Italian variety Montellese (Campania). 

Koch, Stefan & David Porcel Bueno. In prep. Adverbiales de base preposición + adjetivo en la diacronía de la lengua española. Un estudio de corpus.

Porcel Bueno, David. In prep. a. Esquemas adverbiales y prepositivos (Prep + X) en el tránsito del latín al temprano romance ibérico.

Porcel Bueno, David. In prep. b. La formación de adverbios complejos (Prep + Adj) en portugués medieval.

Porcel Bueno, David. In prep. C. Adverbios complejos (Prep + X) en latín medieval: concomitancias iberorrománicas.

Porcel Bueno, David & Stefan Koch. In prep. Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Eastern Andalusian Spanish: the region of Los Montes Orientales (Granada). To appear in Martin Hummel, Stefan Koch, David Porcel Bueno & Inka Wissner (eds.), Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Romance:  field studies in present-day varieties of French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

Porcel Bueno, David, Stefan Koch & Javier Martín Salcedo, Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Brazilian Portuguese: the region of Bahia (Salvador, Fortaleza, Arembepe). To appear in Martin Hummel, Stefan Koch, David Porcel Bueno & Inka Wissner (eds.), Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Romance:  field studies in present-day varieties of French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

Wissner, Inka. In prep. Vitality, variation and change: a methodology for sociolinguistic fieldwork on prepositional adverbials in Romance. To appear in Martin Hummel, Stefan Koch, David Porcel Bueno & Inka Wissner (eds.), Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Romance:  field studies in present-day varieties of French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

Wissner, Inka & Alan Roy. In prep. Statistics for field-based linguistics: processing variation. To appear in Martin Hummel, Stefan Koch, David Porcel Bueno & Inka Wissner (eds.), Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Romance:  field studies in present-day varieties of French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.

Wissner, Inka & Melissa Gagnon. In prep. Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Eastern Quebec based on field research (Saguenay–Lac-St-Jean). To appear in Martin Hummel, Stefan Koch, David Porcel Bueno & Inka Wissner (eds.), Adverbials with preposition and adjective in Romance:  field studies in present-day varieties of French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian and Spanish.


Gerhalter, Katharina & Stefan Koch. Submitted. Cognate Adverbials in Brazilian Portuguese: semantic-functional differentiation vs. Synonymy. (Language Science Press).

Hummel, Martin & Inka Wissner. Submitted. La diacronía de la preposición compuesta de a en adverbiales del español americano tipo equivocarse de a feo. (Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica)

Hummel, Martin. Submitted. ¡Por las buenas o por las malas! Construcción gramatical y persuasión discursiva. In Ester Brenes & Catalina Fuentes (eds.), Macrosintaxis del discurso persuasivo

Chircu, Adrian. Submitted. Un adverb scos la iveală din vechile scrieri româneşti: adevăr. Contribuţii etimologice, lexicale şi gramaticale, paper presented at Conferinţele Centrului de Lingvistică Teoretică şi Aplicată, Universitatea din Bucureşti/Facultatea de Litere/Departamentul de Lingvistică/Centrul de Lingvistică Teoretică şi Aplicată (Bucureşti, 19 ianuarie 2023).

In press 

Chircu, Adrian. In press a. În detaliu despre adverbul (a)mănunt. Observaţii asupra hărţii 1333 (...cu de-amănuntul..) din ALR. Serie nouă, vol. V. In Dana-Mihaela Zamfir, Daniela Răuțu, Marinela Bota (eds.), Graiurile munteneşti de la scrisoarea lui Neacşu din Câmpulung la cercetările dialectale actuale (1521–2021), Simpozion organizat de Departamentul de dialectologie şi sociolingvistică, Academia Română, Institutul de Lingvistică “Iorgu Iordan – Alexandru Rosetti”, Bucureşti, 9–10 decembrie 2021, 290–303. Cluj-Napoca: Scriptor & Argonaut.

Chircu, Adrian. In press b. Mai (pe) larg, despre (în) lung şi (în) lat. Trei adjective în clasa adverbelor în limba veche. In Andra Vasilescu et al. (eds.), Lingvistică sincronică, diacronică și tipologică. Bucarest: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti.

Garcés Gómez, María Pilar. In press. Los adverbios preposicionales formados sobre seguro en español: análisis diacrónico y variacional. In Rafael García & Ariana Suárez (eds.), El adverbio: aproximaciones sincrónicas, diacrónicas y variacionales, Berlin & Bern: Peter Lang.

Hummel, Martin. In press. Adverbs. In Anna-Maria De Cesare & Giampaolo Salvi (eds.), Manual of Romances word classes, Berlin & Boston: de Gruyter.

Porcel Bueno, David. In press a. Expresiones adverbiales fijas y combinaciones libres en el tránsito del hebreo al romance. Revista de Filología de la Universidad de La Laguna.

Porcel Bueno, David. In press b. Las locuciones adverbiales (Prep+X) y el carácter efímero de sus variantes. Estudio histórico-contrastivo del castellano y del portugués. Berlin & Bern:  Peter Lang.

Wissner, Inka. In press. Investigating Pan-Romance prepositional adverbials: A methodology for field research in Romance. Revue Romane.



Por las buenas o por las malas! Construcción gramatical y persuasión discursiva”, in: Catalina Fuentes Rodríguez / Ester Brenes Peña (eds.), Macrosintaxis y pragmática del discurso persuasivo, Madrid (Eunsa): 285-302.

Hummel, Martin, Rodrigo Flores, Miriam Reyes. 2023. Los adverbios con preposición en México: el cuestionario (Third Way Project). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7866215


Chircu, Adrian. 2022a. Unităţi frazeologice adverbiale în structura unor expresii verbale din ALR (serie nouă). Harta 1434 (S-a dat de-a berbeleacul). In Rozalia Colciar, Dumitru Loşonţi, Adelina Emilia Mihali & Nicolae Mocanu (eds.), Lucrările celui de-al XIX-lea Simpozion Internaţional de Dialectologie (Cluj-Napoca, 10-11 septembrie 2020), 43–61. Cluj-Napoca: Argonaut & Scriptor.

Chircu, Adrian. 2022c. Adjectifs hérités du latin à valeur adverbiale en istro-roumain, în idem (coord.), Études sur les langues romanes d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Studia UBB Philologia 67(1). 47–58.

Chircu, Adrian. 2022d. Adverbul în graiurile bistriţene. In Rozalia Colciar & Adelina Emilia Mihali (eds.), In honorem magistri Dumitru Loşonţi – 80, 140–161. Cluj-Napoca: Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă.

García Sánchez, Jairo Javier. 2022. Locuciones latinas de preposición con adjetivo adoptadas en español. In Ruth Fine, Florinda F. Goldberg & Or Hasson (eds.), Mundos del hispanismo: Una cartografía para el siglo XXI: AIH Jerusalén 2019, chapter 60 (9 pages), Madrid & Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert.

Porcel Bueno, David. 2022. Esquemas adverbiales y prepositivos en la “Vulgata”: del modelo subyacente hebreo a los primeros romanceamientos castellanos y portugueses. In Andrés Enrique Arias (ed.), Traducción bíblica e historia de las lenguas iberorrománicas, 31–54. Berlin & Boston: de Gruyter.

Solari Jarque, Nicolás. 2022. Las formaciones adverbiales con preposición y adjetivo (tipos de pleno, in serium) en latín. Alcalá de Henares: University of Alcalá dissertation.


Chircu, Adrian. 2021. Variaţie diatopică adverbială. Observaţii asupra hărţii 1481[(Am mers) de-a dreptul la primărie] din ALR II. Serie nouă, vol. V. In Oana Chelaru-Murăruş, Mihaela-Viorica Constantinescu, Claudia Ene, Gabriela Stoica & Andra Vasilescu (eds.), Studii de lingvistică. In honorem Liliana Ionescu-Ruxăndoiu și Mihaela Mancaș, vol. 2, 537–545. Bucharest: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti.

García Sánchez, Jairo. 2021. Las formaciones de preposición + adjectivo en el latín y el español jurídicos. In Lene Schøsler, Juhani Härmä & Jan Lindschouw (eds.), Actes du XXIXe Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (Copenhague, 1-6 juillet 2019), vol. 1, 161–172. Strasbourg: ELiPHi.

Hummel, Martin, Katharina Gerhalter, Gerlinde Schneider & Christopher Pollin. 2021. Adjective-Adverb Interfaces in Romance. Open-Access Database (=AAIF-Database). https://gams.uni-graz.at/context:aaif

Porcel Bueno, David. 2021a. Esquemas adverbiales con preposición y base adjetiva (P + ADJ) en español y portugués. Una breve aproximación desde la lexicografía histórica. In María Águeda Moreno Moreno & Marta Torres Martínez (eds.), Investigaciones léxicas. Estados, temas y rudimentos, 445–457. Barcelona: Octaedro.

Porcel Bueno, David. 2021b. Locuciones adverbiales latinas (P + X) de ámbito jurídico en los corpus diacrónicos del español medieval y clásico. In Matteo de Beni & Dunia Hourani-Martín (eds.), Corpus y estudio diacrónico del discurso especializado en español, 55–73. Berlin: Peter Lang.

Solari Jarque, Nicolás. 2021. Corpus of Latin Prepositional Adverbials with Adjectival Core. In Gerlinde Schneider, Christopher Pollin, Katharina Gerhalter & Martin Hummel, Adjective-Adverb Interfaces in Romance. Open-Access Database (=AAIF-Database). Graz: University of Graz. https://gams.uni-graz.at/o:aaif.ltpaaif.

Wissner, Inka. 2021. Les adverbes prépositionnels en français au Québec (Saguenay – Lac-St-Jean): questionnaire comportant 47 fiches. Free online publication, 80 pp.  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4537699

Wissner, Inka & Alan Roy. 2021. Presenting aggregate fieldwork data with statistical measures for the study of prepositional adverbials in Romance: a template. Tables to be filled in by the fieldworkers. Free online publication, 36 pp. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4737525


Chircu, Adrian. 2020. Corpus of Old Romanian Adjective-Adverbs, Derived Adverbs and Prepositional Phrases. In Gerlinde Schneider, Christopher Pollin, Katharina Gerhalter & Martin Hummel, Adjective-Adverb Interfaces in Romance. Open-Access Database (=AAIF-Database). Graz: University of Graz. http://gams.uni-graz.at/context:aaif

Gerhalter, Katharina & Stefan Koch. 2020. Adverbials with Adjectival Basis in Brazilian Portuguese and their Frequency in Spoken and Written Language. Studia UBB Philologia 65(4). 189–208. https://doi.org/10.24193/subbphilo.2020.4.12

Gerhalter, Katharina. 2020. Elaboración, variación y selección en el paradigma de los adverbios de exactitud: el caso de al justo y al cabal. Studia Linguistica Romanica 3. 28–67. https://doi.org/10.25364/19.2020.3.2 

Porcel Bueno, David. 2020a. A vueltas con la fraseología histórica iberorrománica (locuciones adverbiales y prepositivas en español y portugués). RILEX 3(1). 95–113.

Porcel Bueno, David. 2020b. A escondidas/ às escondidas, en escondido/ em escondido: notas sobre la variación fraseológica en castellano y portugués medievales. In Mª José Martínez Alcalde, Juan Pedro Sánchez Méndez, Francisco Javier Satorre Grau, Mercedes Quilis Merín, Amparo Ricós Vidal, Adela García Valle, Francisco Pedro Pla Colomer & Santiago Vicente Llavata (eds.), El español y las lenguas peninsulares en su diacronía: miradas sobre una historia compartida. Estudios dedicados a Mª. Teresa Echenique Elizondo, 469–481. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch.

Votre, Sebastião, Mariangela Rios de Oliveira, Maria Angélica Furtado da Cunha & Katharina Gerhalter. 2020. Corpus of Brazilian Portuguese Adjective-Adverbs, mente-Adverbs and Prepositional Phrases in Corpus Discurso & Gramática. In Gerlinde Schneider,  Christopher Pollin, Katharina Gerhalter & Martin Hummel, Adjective-Adverb Interfaces in Romance. Open-Access Database (=AAIF-Database). Graz: University of Graz. https://gams.uni-graz.at/o:aaif.ptapmdeg.

Wissner, Inka, David Porcel Bueno, Stefan Koch & Martin Hummel (eds.). 2020. Materials for Pan-Romance Field Research. Guide – Questionnaire – Worksheets. Free online publication, 72 pages. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3922232


Hummel, Martin, Adrian Chircu, Jairo Javier García Sánchez, Benjamín García-Hernández, Stefan Koch, David Porcel Bueno & Inka Wissner. 2019. Prepositional Adverbials in the Diachrony of Romance: a State of the Art. Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 135(4). 1080–1137. https://doi.org/10.1515/zrp-2019-0062

Hummel, Martin. 2019a. The Third Way: Prepositional Adverbials in the Diachrony of Romance (Part One). Romanische Forschungen 131(2). 145–185. https://doi.org/10.3196/003581219826376199

Hummel, Martin. 2019b. The Third Way: Prepositional Adverbials in the Diachrony of Romance (Second and Last Part). Romanische Forschungen 131(3). 295–327. https://doi.org/10.3196/003581219827190716

Hummel, Martin. 2019c. ¡A la continua! In Ramón González, Inés Olza & Óscar Loureda (eds.), Lengua, cultura, discurso. Estudios ofrecidos al profesor Manuel Casado Velarde, 653–668. Pamplona: EUNSA.​


Roy, Alan. 2021. Roy’s calculator. Test calculator for proportions, averaged values and median values, asymmetric two-tailed uncertainties and sample-size determination generated on excel conceived with the collaboration of Inka Wissner for the statistical interpretation of linguistic data in the Third Way project directed by M. Hummel for the University of Graz, Austria. https://adjective-adverb.uni-graz.at (© Alan Roy, accessible on request)


Research Group "Adjective-Adverb Interfaces in Romance"
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Hummel

Institut für Romanistik
Merangasse 70 / III
A-8010 Graz

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